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Father’s Day

Love you very much, Dad

KM Sadman Bin  Mostak

KM Sadman Bin Mostak

Sun, 16 Jun 24

A father is an unparalleled figure—one who delights in his child's progress more than his own. The essence of the word "Baba" is boundless, encompassing endless interpretations. Fatherhood transcends mere words; it signifies profound care and thoughtfulness towards his children. A father's influence equals that of a hundred teachers, shaping and guiding their lives. "Baba" manifests in myriad forms, offering guidance and support beyond imagination. He bears countless hardships silently, always striving to bring joy to his child's face.

My father embodies honesty, idealism, and goodness. Mentioning "Baba" evokes feelings of deep respect, love, and heartfelt gratitude in any child's heart. The impact of a father on a child's life cannot be overstated; he is akin to a solitary candle illuminating the family's path. Without my father, much of my life would feel incomplete. "Baba" represents an honorable figure whose sacrifices we can never fully repay. He stands tall like a banyan tree, the most precious and enduring gift in my life.

Many can comprehend a father's sacrifice, yet some may not fully grasp its depth. Baba sustains us through every hardship without hesitation, willing to risk his life for his child. His outer demeanor mirrors the softness within. When danger looms, father emerges as a shield, protecting his child.

Dad, you are the reason for my happiness, my pillar of strength. Without you, who would guide me, who would I turn to? Allah's gift of a father is a blessing beyond words, an irreplaceable presence.

In the annals of my life, father stands as a heroic figure, unparalleled. He irrigates our lives with love and care. Is every father like mine, who sacrifices so selflessly? He ensures I reach college, even after toiling late into the night. Despite the searing heat, he waited outside my SSC exam hall until the very end. Fathers are perpetual sentinels, their love resonating silently yet profoundly.

He sacrifices his own dreams to fulfill the hopes of his child. On every Eid, I never saw my father buy anything for himself; instead, he ensured we had everything we needed for shopping. He wishes the best for me, regardless of his own desires. My father was not only my first teacher but also an exceptional parent who taught me to walk hand in hand. A father can indeed be the best friend one could have.

There's no pen in the world that can adequately define a father. His love surpasses even the shade of a banyan tree on a scorching afternoon. Father shields his child from the hardships of life, truly embodying the role of a superhero in my life. Baba signifies dispelling darkness and bringing the light of dawn.

My father selflessly loves throughout his life, even when it's not reciprocated. Fathers don't just smile themselves; they bring smiles to entire families. When we ask our father for something, he doesn't hesitate to go to any lengths to fulfill our wishes. Despite any anger, fathers forgive their children from the bottom of their hearts. The immense contribution of a father to his child's life cannot be quantified.

Dads don't need to learn how to love; it comes naturally to them. Today he may have the capability to provide and support you, but we should stand by his side and serve him in his times of need. Because if anyone loves us unconditionally, it's our father. It's a profound love that transcends all boundaries.

Everything in the world may change, but a father's love remains steadfast and unwavering. In the end, there's nothing more to say except one thing: I love you very much, father.

KM Sadman Bin Mostak: Student, Class XI, Bir Shrestha Munsi Abdur Rauf Public College.

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