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Education expenses are increasing, number of students is decreasing.

Omen in front of the nation

Editorial  Desk

Editorial Desk

Mon, 1 Apr 24

We often say, education is the backbone of the nation. Today, that backbone is bending. If the spine is bent, people become hunched, similarly, when the education system deteriorates, the nation also falls into a state of fragility. According to research published in the media yesterday (March 31) by Education Watch, it has been revealed that due to the impact of the Corona pandemic, many students at the primary and secondary levels are dropping out. Among the dropouts, a majority are girl children. Most of them are falling victim to child marriage.

This news is frightening, alarming, and terrifying. When girls fall victim to child marriage, they become vulnerable to further exploitation and abuse. It is said that an educated mother means an educated nation. If girls lag behind in education, they will not be able to be self-reliant, and their children will not be able to stand on their own feet.

Further research has revealed that education expenditure in the country is increasing gradually. Expenditure has increased significantly at the primary and secondary levels. In primary education, expenditure has increased by 25 percent in some families, and in secondary education, by 51 percent. A major reason for this increase in expenditure is that a significant portion of students do not understand the lessons taught by school teachers. As a result, they have to hire private tutors or attend coaching classes. Additionally, they need to buy notebooks, pens, notes, and guidebooks.

Here, an urgent focus is needed on the issue that why can't school teachers ensure that all students understand their lessons properly? The answer lies in the shortage of skilled teachers in our country, especially in rural areas. Just a few days ago, it was reported in the media that a significant portion of students at the primary level in rural areas cannot read Bengali properly. Similarly, students at the secondary level cannot read English properly. Alongside this, another allegation has been raised against teachers that under various pretexts, they collect fees from students a few days after giving them notes under the guise of various examinations. Even though textbooks are available, why do teachers give notes?

Blaming only the teachers won't suffice; their low salaries compared to the current market are also a significant issue. Many teachers in private schools do not receive adequate salaries. In pursuit of nationalization, teachers from private schools staged a sit-in protest in front of the National Press Club last year.

Overall, it cannot be said that the situation in the country's education sector is good. Various irregularities are occurring in universities. Just yesterday, it was reported in the media that protests are underway at the country's leading engineering university, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), against political misconduct. Students have boycotted exams in protest.

If this continues, there is nothing but ominous signs ahead for the nation. The damage to students will have a devastating impact on our overall national system. By 2041, the current government is committed to building the country as an advanced, modern state. In such a chaotic situation in the education system, how is that possible? Concerned authorities need to look into the matter urgently. Reducing education expenditure, depoliticizing the education sector, creating skilled teachers, and overall improvement of the education system are urgently needed.

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