Drinking water cannot be wasted in wrong farming
Farmers of Bengal have known for hundreds of years that not all soils are suitable for all crops. Still, drinking water is being wasted in Subarnachar of Noakhali in wrong farming, due to which there is a cry for drinking water in the surrounding villages. According to the news published in the media on March 13, due to uncontrolled use of groundwater for paddy cultivation, water no longer rises in the deep tube wells of the houses. There is no water in the ponds and reservoirs either. Many people have to buy water to drink. This has led to a standstill in household chores. Lakhs of people in Subarnachar are living a miserable life due to the lack of pure water.
No use at all levels, genuine hurdle of Bangla as language
For the past few years, it has been stated in the written articles and audiovisual media of Bangladesh that the Bangla language has become as polluted as the rivers of the country. This pollution is reportedly mainly happening in three areas: 1. Standard Bangla pronunciation in English or dialectal style, 2. Using English-Hindi-dialectal words instead of Bangla words while speaking, and 3. Spelling distortion. The finger of blame has been pointed at various private media outlets including FM radio. The reality is that even though standard Bangla is spoken in the media with so-called pure pronunciation, speaking the Bangla language in an English accent or mixing English words in Bangla will not stop. People do not learn the language by listening to FM radio, FM radio wants to attract the attention of its customers and listeners by broadcasting programmes in the language they speak, in the interest of profit.
Dismantle the potato syndicate
Potato is an essential vegetable in our lives. There is hardly any dish that does not include potato. After rice, potato is probably the most in-demand food item. It is often said that Bengalis live on fish and rice, but it would not be an exaggeration to say that they live on rice and potatoes. Now-a-days, many Bengalis no longer eat fish regularly, but it is hard to imagine a day without potato. When there are no other vegetables at home, many families simply make mashed potatoes and have it with rice. However, even this simple potato is now out of reach for many. At the retail level, the price of potato is currently 70 to 75 taka per kilogram, which is almost the same as the price of fine rice and even more expensive than coarse rice. In such a situation, low-income families have to carefully calculate whether they can afford potatoes at all.
Bhasan Char under Smart Postal Service
Bhasan Char, a remote coastal area of Noakhali’s Hatia upazila, has come under Smart Postal Services. State Minister for Post, Telecommunication and Information Technology Zunaid Ahmed Palak inaugurated the Bhasan Char Sub Post Office on Sunday and thus, the 13,000 acres of of land came under the purview of postal services.